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User:Mddass/List of GOOL Executables

Crash 2 Return/Error Codes

Engine assumes codes range from 0xFFFFFF01 to 0xFFFFFFFF. A special return/error code, 0, is used in certain GOOL interpretation functions (event, state change, animation change) to indicate that the function failed and/or that interpretation should continue.

Code Meaning Additional Notes
0xFFFFFF01 (-0xFF) No error.
0xFFFFFF02 (-0xFE) Error finding specified file. "File" includes entries and disc files.
0xFFFFFFE5 (-0x1B) The specified object state is invalid. For example, when an object's subtype corresponds to state 255 (invalid).
0xFFFFFFE6 (-0x1A) Event failed? GOOL interpreter failed?
0xFFFFFFE7 (-0x19) GOOL stack frame update unsuccessful.
0xFFFFFFE8 (-0x18) Object linked list remove unsuccessful.
0xFFFFFFEA (-0x16) Object could not be spawned from entity, pools are full.
0xFFFFFFEE (-0x12) Chunk load failed. Wrong magic, invalid page pointer, etc.
0xFFFFFFF0 (-0x10) Unknown. Returned by FUN_80012ed0 and FUN_80013084. Chunk load success?
0xFFFFFFF1 (-0xF) Out of memory.
0xFFFFFFF2 (-0xE) Object is malformed.

Texture load success.

Returned on state change if object status b-flag 0x10000000 is set or if state is 255 (invalid), etc.
0xFFFFFFF6 (-0xA) Tried to find null entry. GetEntry was trying to find "NONE!".

Crash 2 GOOL Interpretation Locations

uint GoolChangeObjState(c2_object_s *obj,int newstate,int argc,int *argv)
    // if hpc (hpc is reset to NULL before this, hpc used here is from before)
    GOOLInterpret(obj,0x13,NULL); // hpc
    // if tpc and is last updated object
    GOOLInterpret(obj,0x3,NULL); // obj->tpc = state->tpc

uint FUN_8001c718(c2_object_s *obj,int unkflag) // some object update routine every frame
    // if tpc
    GOOLInterpret(obj,0x3,NULL); // tpc
    // if wait is 0
    GOOLInterpret(obj,0x4,NULL); // ??? pc

uint ObjSendEvent(c2_object_s *sender,c2_object_s *receiver,int event,int argc,uint *argv)
    // if receiver->epc
    GOOLInterpret(receiver,0x8,NULL); // tpc
    // if previous interpretation was unsuccesful and interrupt is mapped to subroutine
    GOOLInterpret(receiver,0x3,NULL); // interrupt-pc

void GoolInterrupt(c2_object_s *obj,uint newpc,int argc,uint *argv)
    GOOLInterpret(obj,0x3,NULL); // newpc